Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some More Research for the Book...

So, I have an update for my book that I am writing. I recently went to the library to check out some books to help me find some background information on the story.

I want to approach the paranormal from both a supernatural and "scientific" angle. One of the books I checked out, "Ghost Hunters" by Deobrah Blum, goes into the history of William James (author Henry James' brother) and early attempts of finding scientific proof and reasoning of life after death.

I'm also researching some of Savannah's documented ghost stories. Although I am planning the main "haunting" of the book to be fictional, I want some excerpts of real Savannah ghost stories to give the book more of a historical and realistic feel.

In planning some of the early chapters of the book, I am having the main characters go on a ghost walk (something I did while in Savannah). This, I feel, will help to introduce the reader to the culture of Savannah and its hauntings.

Check back soon for more updates!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Layout

So, I decided to create a new layout for the blog to have it stand out a bit. I added the new header and changed the title of the blog so it is a little more generic for what I am going to be posting about.

Also, if you look on the left, there is a column with some of my videos on Youtube. For some reason, it has been showing someone else's videos from time to time... but hopefully it was just a fluke.

Friday, July 9, 2010

On Planning a Book...

... So, in order to successfully write a (hopefully) decent book, it is going to be vital for me to plan out the plot. I believe I have a fair idea of how I am going to do that.

I have a basic idea of what I want the story to be about and how the plot should develop. My plan now is to map out each chapter one at a time. First, I will write out the basic plot of each chapter and then go through them again to make sure that the key points and connections between each chapter are there.

The detali work I think I am going to leave until I actually start writing. For me to be successful, I need a basic structure of the story but will need to be free to come up with the details. Having to plan details of a story seems to restricting.

I probably won't reveal too much of the plot until I work out more of the story after planning. Wish me luck!

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hiking "Adventure"

Here are a couple images from our recent climb up Ampersand Mountain in the Adirondacks. I don't think that most of us knew what to expect. The total hike, up and back, was oover five miles long and up a veeery steep hill. There were several instances where we had to climb on our hands and knees. Needless to say, the view from the top was spectacular!

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Could I Be the Next Michael Crichton?

So, when I was in 8th grade I picked up a copy of Michael Crichton's "Jurassic Park", mainly because I was a big fan of the movie. The book was very enjoyable and I also found it quite suspenseful, just as the film was. Last summer, when I was on vacation with the Careys in the Finger Lakes, I finally read another one of his books, "Next". It dealt with the morals of science, specifically experimentation with altering the natural way things are. I just finished reading Crichton's "The Lost World" (which was a pleasant contrast to the film adaptation) and am starting his novel "Timeline". What I really like about his writing style is that he writes science fiction very convincingly. His stories take place in the present (rather than on a space station in the year 3000, or in a non-existant universe of fairies and goblins). Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with space wars and fairies and goblins (I am, after all, an avid Harry Potter reader). I just find this brand on non-fictiony fiction so interesting because it sounds like it could be real. On quite a tangent, I am VERY excited to be moving to Savannah. The city is just so deeply steeped in such a rich history... and folklore! On my first visit I took a walking ghost tour which taught me a lot about the history of Savannah and of its ghosts- absolutely fascinating! So, to now connect my two trains of thought. I have always thought of writing a book. I feel that it would be a great accomplishment to write it- even if it does not get published. I thought I would enjoy adapting Crichton's non-fictiony fiction style with my interest in the paranornmal AND Savannah. I would really enjoy researching some more of Savannah's history and its ghosts as well as "scientific" ways of looking at paranormal activity (not the movie- 'cause it was boring). I could combine these interests (which I would probably research in my spare time anyway) and use that as the basis of my new project. Something else that I have been wanting to do, but failing at miserably, is blogging more regularly. I don't find that day to day life is all that interesting to other people. So, I would use this blog to track and share progress on my story! Hopefully, enough people will enjoy reading this blog (and, who knows, maybe a book eventually!!) that it will keep me going on both projects. I will keep you posted on my progress!

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Downtown Saranac Lake Village

Yes, that is a neon sign in the art gallery's window. Very classy! ;)

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and there was live entertainment!

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Our dinner stop

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I jumped off of this rock!

For those of you who know me, you would know that this is a BIG accomplishment for me!

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And an incredible view...

... of the Adirondack Mountains. Who knew how peaceful and serene it could be just a few hours north of NYC?

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The locks to Saranac Lake!

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Molly and her new fishing glove!

She says she loves to fish, but she hates touching the worms and the fish... so- a glove for fishing is the perfect solution!

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View from the dock!

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Over the hill and through the woods...

The path over the bridge on the way to the cottage we are staying at. It is gorgeous and completely secluded! The perfect getwaway for the week!

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another photo from lunch...

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Pretty Little Place for Lunch!

So, I am heading to the Adirondacks with my girlfriend and her family for a week long vacation! We stopped for lunch in a small town along the Saint Lawrence Sea Way across from Bolt Castle. I thought I would share some photos!

Also, funny thing, but an otter snuck into the inside deck area that we were eating in. Not sure if that is a common occurrence here or not?

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