So, when I was in 8th grade I picked up a copy of Michael Crichton's "Jurassic Park", mainly because I was a big fan of the movie. The book was very enjoyable and I also found it quite suspenseful, just as the film was. Last summer, when I was on vacation with the Careys in the Finger Lakes, I finally read another one of his books, "Next". It dealt with the morals of science, specifically experimentation with altering the natural way things are. I just finished reading Crichton's "The Lost World" (which was a pleasant contrast to the film adaptation) and am starting his novel "Timeline". What I really like about his writing style is that he writes science fiction very convincingly. His stories take place in the present (rather than on a space station in the year 3000, or in a non-existant universe of fairies and goblins). Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with space wars and fairies and goblins (I am, after all, an avid Harry Potter reader). I just find this brand on non-fictiony fiction so interesting because it sounds like it could be real. On quite a tangent, I am VERY excited to be moving to Savannah. The city is just so deeply steeped in such a rich history... and folklore! On my first visit I took a walking ghost tour which taught me a lot about the history of Savannah and of its ghosts- absolutely fascinating! So, to now connect my two trains of thought. I have always thought of writing a book. I feel that it would be a great accomplishment to write it- even if it does not get published. I thought I would enjoy adapting Crichton's non-fictiony fiction style with my interest in the paranornmal AND Savannah. I would really enjoy researching some more of Savannah's history and its ghosts as well as "scientific" ways of looking at paranormal activity (not the movie- 'cause it was boring). I could combine these interests (which I would probably research in my spare time anyway) and use that as the basis of my new project. Something else that I have been wanting to do, but failing at miserably, is blogging more regularly. I don't find that day to day life is all that interesting to other people. So, I would use this blog to track and share progress on my story! Hopefully, enough people will enjoy reading this blog (and, who knows, maybe a book eventually!!) that it will keep me going on both projects. I will keep you posted on my progress!
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