Well, I am now entering a new chapter in my life and felt that it would be an appropriate time to start blogging again. I am going to be graduating from Albion College in two (!!!) weeks and will then be pursuing an MFA in TV and Film Production from the Savannah College of Art and Design. I am sure there will be plenty of exciting things to document!
Up until recently, I was very nervous and depressed about graduating and leaving everything I know about Albion behind. However, I recently flew down to Savannah to visit SCAD and I was blown away by both the city and the college. I now know exactly what is meant by describing something as breathtaking. From the moment the taxi entered the city of Savannah, to my walks though the historic district and along the river- I was out of breath and in awe!
The faculty and students that I met were so welcoming and were able to answer all the questions I had, I felt very at home there.
Coming back to Albion I found a newfound ease with the prospects of the future. Knowing where I am going next fall and having experienced what ife will be like there, I have found myself ready to move on. Although I will miss everyone I have gotten to know here, I am anxious for new surroundings and the opportunity to do what I love at SCAD's Film School.

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