Monday, August 16, 2010
Videoblog #1: Testing!
My first attempt at a video blog! As a test, I speak a little about Savannah and SCAD in preparation for my (hopefully!) continued videoblogging while attending the Savannah College of Art and Design!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Getting Ready for the Move!

So, it is about a month away from my move down to Savannah and I have been starting to get stuff ready!
Molly and I looked at Ikea and thought we had founs a couch. it was a white sofa in their "Ektorp" series. One problem we were debating on was how big the couch was going to be in the apartment. I skecthed out the square footage of the living room and cut out the furniture to scale. It seemed that the sofa may be just a little too tight.
Luckily, Molly had gone to World Market with the kids she nannies recently. While she was there, she came across a beige loveseat that caught her eye. So, she and the 5 year old decided to test it out- and they both seemed to like it. However, 'Molly and a toddler' is not an appropriate unit of measurement for adult-sized furniture.
So, today I went with Molly to see this new sofa- it was perfect! It can easily seat three adult people and is very comfy to lie on. We were gonna come back in the afternoon and buy it!
When we got back we asked about it at the front register and were helped by a very nice employee who gave us the tag to pay at the front. As the woman at the register rang us up, she called someone to meet us infront of the store to help us get the couch in the car. The man on the phone started YELLING at her not to ring us up, so she stopped me from continuing the transaction...
Turns out they had none of the couches in stock... even though they were on the show floor. And now we have to wait 10-14 days for it to HOPEFULLY come in...
Oh, well. At least we tried...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Thoughts that cross my mind at work...
- "Are you sure you really want a gotta-have-it?"
- "It's not my fault you don't like it. Anyone can tell you that peanut butter and cotton candy don't go together."
- "The price is on the board. Read it beforehand."
- "I'm really glad he made it to the trash can before puking."
- "We like singing for tips about as much as you like paying $6 for ice cream."
- "We do not have butter pecan. Get over it."
- "Gotta-love-it sizes don't exist."
- "If running out of strawberry ice cream ruins your night, then don't leave your house."
There you have it.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
5 Reasons Why Savannah is the Perfect Location for My Ghost Story
4. Spanish Moss - Spanish Moss is a plant that often grows in trees and hangs from their branches. This plant is found all over Savannah and gives the city a mystical and somewhat mysterious feel.

3. The Architecture - The city of Savannah has many beautiful, grand old buildings in many different architectural styles. When walking down the street in Savannah, there is always something to look at. Each street acts as a perfect backdrop, streaming seamlessly from one to another.
2. The Squares - Savannah has about 24 squares spaced out throughout the city. Each square has either a statue or fountain in its center. This breaks up the residential and commercial sections of Savannah with a touch of history and nature right in the city. Many of these squares have a rich history and are centerpieces in some of Savannah's well-known ghost stories!

1. It's Old! - Savannah has such a rich history! It was founded in 1733 and, as an important port city, has played hosts to pirates and merchants alike. It housed many soldiers during the Civil War and was struck hard by the Yellow Fever pandemic in the mid 1800's. With such a history in the town, there are many markings of the past (both visible and invisible) giving it an enchanted feeling where almost anything could be possible...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Some More Research for the Book...
I want to approach the paranormal from both a supernatural and "scientific" angle. One of the books I checked out, "Ghost Hunters" by Deobrah Blum, goes into the history of William James (author Henry James' brother) and early attempts of finding scientific proof and reasoning of life after death.
I'm also researching some of Savannah's documented ghost stories. Although I am planning the main "haunting" of the book to be fictional, I want some excerpts of real Savannah ghost stories to give the book more of a historical and realistic feel.
In planning some of the early chapters of the book, I am having the main characters go on a ghost walk (something I did while in Savannah). This, I feel, will help to introduce the reader to the culture of Savannah and its hauntings.
Check back soon for more updates!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
New Layout
Also, if you look on the left, there is a column with some of my videos on Youtube. For some reason, it has been showing someone else's videos from time to time... but hopefully it was just a fluke.
Friday, July 9, 2010
On Planning a Book...

... So, in order to successfully write a (hopefully) decent book, it is going to be vital for me to plan out the plot. I believe I have a fair idea of how I am going to do that.
I have a basic idea of what I want the story to be about and how the plot should develop. My plan now is to map out each chapter one at a time. First, I will write out the basic plot of each chapter and then go through them again to make sure that the key points and connections between each chapter are there.
The detali work I think I am going to leave until I actually start writing. For me to be successful, I need a basic structure of the story but will need to be free to come up with the details. Having to plan details of a story seems to restricting.
I probably won't reveal too much of the plot until I work out more of the story after planning. Wish me luck!